Looking ahead to 2024

Happy new year 2024

Why this topic ?

Hello folks! To those of you who know me on a more personal level, you’ll probably know that I am not the kind of guy to have “new year resolutions”, I am way too impulsive for this, and I almost take some of these daily.

That’s how I ended up running a Marathon with 3 months of training with no experience running.

But this year, I thought that I could use this opportunity to set myself goals, that I could reflect on by the end of the year !

So with no further ado let’s get into it !

Where would I want to be next year on the 1st of January ?

As I’m writing this I figure how big of a commitment it is…

Professional life:

  • IC3 which would mean that I became a Senior Engineer
  • Working with a dynamic company, that embodies my values and desire to grow (BackMarket is a great example of this).
  • Align my professional life and personal life (an ocean apart is no fun)..

Personal life:

  • Start practicing trail
  • Take part in either 1 marathon or 60km+ in trail
  • Keep going to the office as much as I can

How was 2023 ?

As you might know already, 2023 has been a great year for me. I am thriving at BackMarket, where I am filled with mission, great coworkers and I really enjoy my work.

On a personal level, I am happy, which is something great and definitely something to keep on going for 2024. I am looking forward to 2024, and would like to thank everyone that I met and worked with to have made my year so great.

Let’s be happy and keep on making refurbished devices cool !
